
Monocultural Change


Monocultural Change

Communities are in a constant state of change. However, community change looks different in comparison from a multicultural, monucultural and pluralist approach. These three are types of practice; they are not theories. Barry Checkoway describes Monocultural change as based on a “concept of a community whose people are similar in their social characteristics and committed to a common purpose.” A monucultural change the community gains strength in unity, members agree on the same issue and they have similar history, and traditions. In monucultural change approach, the power is held by members of the dominant group and may exclude minorities from the circles of power. Nonetheless, there will be a few from the minority group that will gain acceptance into the power holding dominant groups. Yet, it is important to know that those minorities in the dominant groups will be a few in numbers and will express the same ideologies from that of the dominant groups.


It is very easy to see the dynamic of a monocultural change in meetings. For example, a meeting of professors will be most likely to start at the time in which everyone has agreed to, members of the meeting will have similar goals and beliefs, a monucultural language and rules will be used. If there are minorities within this meeting minorities will adhere to the same language, rules, and ideas. Another example will be in classrooms. Students are all expected to follow the same rules that have been placed by the dominant group, use the same language and learn the same values and curricula content. Change will be accepted by the majority and participation will be equal amongst all members.


Although, monocultural change may appear to be unfair and exclusive it has advantages. Monocultural change is beneficial to those that wish to take action for a common purpose. For example, people who have experienced the same oppressions and barriers can unite for the same purpose and create change. However, there is risk to this approach including creating a system where there is a belief that only one way is the best way and having no tolerance or acceptance to individuals who are not members of the dominant groups.

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