

Define: the theory of praxiology asserts that through an interactive process of critical reflection and action, change can effectively take place (Homan, 2008). This theory surmises that one’s actions are formed by one’s perception of the world and reality, and therefore constant reflection is a necessity because it determines future action steps.

Apply: In community development, organizers that work with communities are highly influential, and thus they must learn to understand how their perceptions affect the reality or outcomes of communities. It should be impressed upon community organizers to reflect upon their beliefs, perspectives, and reality because such ideologies serve as the foundation for reasoning, which influences the actions of the community organizer. As illustrated in the class scenarios regarding ethics, what shapes and controls the decisions of others are past outcomes and realities that inevitability impact one’s present perceptions. Thus, community organizers must always be willing to analyze their perceptions because they will serve as a guide when interacting with community systems.

Adapt: Leaders in various institutions, disciplines, and fields must be cognizant of how their perceptions guide their actions as well. Doctors who treat minority women in a low-income area for HIV/AIDS may have difficulty transitioning to an upper/middle-income area comprised of minorities, as she or he could have generalizations about minorities due to having a previous work experience with a minority population. These generalizations could affect the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients. Therefore, professionals in all settings must analyze the thoughts and perceptions that lead to their behavior/actions when interacting with other people and client groups.

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